No Arms and No Fear

Kristen Arnold
1 min readMar 26, 2017


Abandoned by her mother as a baby, now singing on TV. That would be enough to make for an incredible story of beating all odds. But throw in that her mother abandoned her was because she was born without arms, and despite her circumstances this 14-year-old girl learned to play the piano, now that’s just incredible.

Lorelai Mosnegutu appeared this year on Romania’s Got Talent. Her amazing spirit and meager stature immediately captivated the audience. Her performance was so moving that it brought the entire audience to tears and earned her a Golden Buzz.

Lorelai’s story shows just how amazing the human spirit can be. When one pursues their dream, and ignores the obstacles in their way they truly can acheive what they want. The most important thing I saw in this young woman’s determined smile was courage. Her eyes showed no fear.

Lorelai’s talent is amazing, but her story of triumph starts all the way back to her infancy. According to Romania Insider, “The girl didn’t speak until she was three and couldn’t walk until she was four.” Romania Insider also discovered that Lorelai has since learned how to do so many things with her feet, such as paint, type, and write. Lorelai’s ability to have overcome such odds are due to one woman. Lorelai was adopted at two months old by a social worker she calls, “mamă Vio.” It was under her care that Lorelai flourished into the amazing young woman who graced the stage on March 10th.

